Zhang, Hongxing 的文章
【力扣刷题】2530. 执行K次操作后的最大分数-大根堆
给你一个下标从 0 开始的整数数组 nums 和一个整数 k 。你的 起始分数 为 0 。 在一步 操作 中: 选出一个满足 0 <= i < nums.length 的下标 i , 将你…… -
【Written Translation Homework】(Score:98)
把下面的短文译成英文 黄山的秀丽风景 The beautiful scenery of Mount Huangshan 1 黄山的秀丽风景,犹如一幅幅移动的山水画。 The beautiful scenery of M…… -
【Academic English Homework】(Score:96)The Effects of “Lying flat” on College Students’ Academic Performance
As the competition among people has become more and more fierce, some college students choose to "lie flat". In my view, long-term "lying flat" wil…… -
【吴恩达机器学习】Linear regression
摘要:本篇blog介绍了线性回归中的Loss function、Cost function与梯度下降(包括未正则化与正则化),并对公式进行详细的解释和推导。 fdsf 1 Loss function…… -
【Academic English Homework】(Score:98)An application of Computer Vision under epidemic: A Simple implementation of Mask Wearing Detection in Active Scene
Abstract Computer Vision and artificial intelligence facilitate the control of the COVID-19 in many ways. This essay is about one of the simple appl…… -
【Comprehensive English Homework】(Score:96)Evolution of English
Nowadays, the English language circles the globe and it is a language of well over a thousand million people all over the world. English has a great……