【English Culture Final Review】(Score:93)

1. 希腊文化根源来自哪两个文明,迈锡尼,克里特。

Minoan civilization on the island of Crete located in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Mycenaean civilization, heavily influenced by the earlier Minoan civilization.

2. 给潘多拉hermes,dinosos

Aphrodite: unparalleled beauty, grace, and desire

Hermes: cunning, deceiful mind, and a crafty tongue

Athena: clothed her and taught her to be deft with her hands

Poseidon: pearl necklace that would prevent her from drowning

Apollo: taught her to play the lyre and to sing

Zeus: a foolish, mischievous and idle nature

Hera: the wiliest gift, curiosity

Hermes gave a gilded and intricately carved box, a gift from Zeus with an explicit warning that she must never open it, come what may.

3. 酒神两随从


maenad satyr

酒神巴克斯的女祭司 和 半人半羊的森林之神

4. 三处女神




5. 大洪水幸存者

Deucalion: the son of Prometheus

Pyrrha: one of the fairest of the daughters of men

6. 普罗米修斯被谁绑在哪


Caucasan Mountains

7. 大禹治水,天灾or神


8. 谁启发奥德修斯的木马


9. 潘多拉夫(后见之明)


10. 古希腊神话来源

The Homeric epics: The Iliad and The Odyssey

The works of Hesiod: Theogony and Works and Days

Other literary works: Homeric Hymns and the works of the three treagedians - Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides

11. adonis纪念死亡。


Adonia(阿多尼斯节),也叫(Women's Festival,女性节)

12. 希腊三代神叫,泰坦之战意味。

Primordial gods: Chaos, Gaia, Uranus, Tartarus, Eros, Erebus, Nyx

Titan gods: 12titans (Crouns, Rhea...), Cyclopes*3, Hecatoncheires*3

Olympian gods: Zeus/Jupiter, Hera/Juno, Poseidon/Neptune, Demeter/Ceres, Athena/Minerva, Hephaestus/Vulcan, Aphrodite/Venus, Ares/Mars, Aretemis/Diana, Apollo/Apollo, Hermes/Mercury, Dionysus/Bacchus

Other major gods and goddesses not included in the roster of Olympians are: Hades/Pluto, Hestia/Vesta, Persephone/Proserpina, Prometheus

The Titanomachy: Cronus and the Titans, except Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Oceanus, fought to retain their power.

The Titanomachy lasted ten years and ended with the establishment of the Olympian gods as rulers over the heavens and earth.

Zeus released his siblings, so became the king of the gods.Thus, with the ending of the Tianomachy, a new age began.


This means the decline of the Titan gods and the rise of the Olympian gods.

13. 为何宙斯指婚爱神火神。

Hephaestus, who was thrown out of heaven at his birth because of his ugliness and deformities caused by his mother Hera. Later Hephaestus was welcomed into Mount Olympus and served as one of the twelve great Olympain deities, and he had made his mother to make Aphorodite his wife. Hera agreed, as did Zeus, regarding it as a final solution to prevent others frome their rivalry to possess Aphrodite.

14. 雅典娜与阿瑞斯区别。



Athena is the goddess of wisdom, strategy, and the arts. She is the daughter of Zeus, the god of wisdom, and is known for her intelligence and strategic thinking. Athena represents wisdom, intellect, strategy, art, and culture. She is the wise one in times of war and the guardian of wisdom and skills. She is often depicted as a fully armed female warrior, holding a shield and a spear.

In contrast, Ares is the god of war, violence, and impulsiveness. He is the son of Zeus and Hera and represents war, bloodshed, and impulsiveness. Ares is the embodiment of war and is often depicted as a strong and fierce warrior, wielding weapons and filled with the frenzy of battle.

As the goddess of war, wisdome, crafts, and skills, Athena was held in high regard by both mortals and immortals alike. Athena was not bloodthirsty as Ares and would rather have peace than war, yet during those times in battle she proved herself to be an invincible strategist to dominate the field.

15. 凡人挑战神领域遭惩罚为什么(我不会,求解)


Which of the following quality do Greek goddesses possess?

They look like humans with personal flaws and negative emotions.

They are vulnerable to human faults and passions.

They have immortality and superpower.


The Story of Athena and Arachne: Arachne was an exceptionally talented weaver who arrogantly claimed that her weaving skills surpassed those of the goddess Athena. Upon hearing this news, Athena disguised herself as an old woman and came to challenge Arachne. The two engaged in a weaving competition, and indeed, Arachne's weaving skills were remarkable, even surpassing Athena's. However, Arachne's tapestry depicted scenes that offended the gods, which angered Athena. As a punishment, Athena transformed Arachne into a spider, destined to weave webs forever.


Prometheus is a member of the Titan gods. He brought fire to humanity, enabling them to have illumination, warmth, and cook food. This act made human life more convenient and comfortable. However, the gods were angry at humans for using fire, as they believed that humans should not possess such power. In order to punish humans and Prometheus for their audacity, Zeus decided to bring disaster upon humanity and sent a great flood to destroy them. This flood was seen as a punishment for humanity, with the intention of cleansing their sinful behavior and starting anew. Only Noah and his family survived, and they were considered the only deserving humans to survive. This story in Greek mythology serves as a symbolic warning, reminding people not to challenge the authority of the gods, or else they will face severe punishment. It also emphasizes the difference in power and status between humans and gods.



The Trojan Horse

Inspired by Athena, Odysseus contrived (发明) the stratagem (计) of the TrojanHorse.A wooden horse filled with Greeksoldiers was placed at the gate ofTroy.TheGreeks then went around spreading therumor that they would give up and sailhome, and that the horse was intended as agift for the Trojans.The Trojans were takenin, and they brought the horse inside thecity.When night fell, the Greek soldierscame out and sacked Troy. Much crueltyand savagery were committed against theTrojans after the city fell. For the crimesthey committed, the Greeks were punishedseverely by the gods.

16. 潘多拉之盒放了什么

All the plagues and sorrows known to humanity were released once Pandora opened the box. Old Age, Sickness, Insanity, Pestilence, Vice, Passion, Greed, Crime, Death, Theft, Lies, Jealousy, Famine, the list went on and on... every evil, that until then had been trapped inside the gift from the gods, was now loosed upon the earth.

Hope, which was the only thing that had sustained humanity in times of sorrow, pain, and misery.

17. Deucalion and Pyrrha洪水后向谁求助


洪水后:遇到了Hermes,他问两人想要什么,两人说要to see this land full of people once more; for without neighbors and friends, the world is a very lonely place indeed.然后Hermes说把你妈的骨头从你肩膀身后丢了吧他们仔细一想,你妈的骨头是你马的什么东西哦哦,是地球,然后丢石头

18. 各神有什么动物代表

Zeus/Jupiter: Eagle

Hera/Juno: Peacock

Poseidon/Neptune: Horse and Bull

Athena/Minerva: Owl

Hephaestus/Vulcan: Donkey

Aphrodite/Venus: Dove

Ares/Mars: Wild Boar, Dog and Vulture

Aretemis/Diana: Deer and Swan

Apollo/Apollo: Dolphin

Hermes/Mercury: Snake

Dionysus/Bacchus: Goat and Leopard

19. 赫拉如何报复宙斯不忠

She punished Zeus’ lovers blindly in the name of justice.

She punished Zeus’ children and ruthlessly in the name of justice.

She made vengeful yet unstoppable schemes throughout her life.


20. 阿克琉斯主要英雄事迹,结局

Achilles, the Greek hero of legend, was known for his bravery and victories in battle. Born to Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis, he was raised by the centaur Chiron, who honed his combat skills. Achilles played a pivotal role in the Trojan War, fighting alongside the Greeks against the Trojans.


His most notable achievement was slaying Hector, the Trojan prince, in a fit of rage after his friend Patroclus was killed. Achilles challenged Hector to single combat and emerged victorious, dragging his lifeless body around Troy's walls.


However, Achilles' fate was sealed by a tragic prophecy. It predicted his death in battle, forcing him to choose between a long life of obscurity or a short life of glory. Achilles chose the latter, knowing his name would be remembered.


During the Trojan War, Achilles was struck in the heel, his only vulnerable spot, by a fatal arrow. The wound proved lethal, and he met his end. His death was mourned by Greeks and Trojans alike.


Achilles' legacy endures as a symbol of heroism and tragic destiny. His name represents both invincibility and vulnerability. Though his life was cut short, his deeds and courage continue to inspire generations.



Achilles: In the Trojan War, Achilles' dear friend Patroclus couldn't bear to see their own soldiers suffer heavy casualties. He put on Achilles' armor and disguised himself as him to join the battle, and the situation momentarily turned around. However, he was eventually killed by Hector, the Trojan prince. This ignited Achilles' fighting spirit for revenge. He fought bravely in the war and ultimately killed Hector with his spear. In the end, guided by Apollo, Paris, the Trojan prince, shot a poisoned arrow into Achilles' ankle, causing his death.

21. 奥德修斯主要英雄事迹,结局

Odysseus, the legendary hero of ancient Greece, is best known for his cunning and resourcefulness. He played a crucial role in the Trojan War and embarked on a long and treacherous journey back to his homeland, Ithaca.


After the fall of Troy, Odysseus faced numerous challenges on his way home. He encountered the Cyclops, whom he outsmarted by blinding him. He narrowly escaped the enchanting songs of the Sirens by having his crew plug their ears and tie him to the mast. He also navigated past the treacherous whirlpool Charybdis and the deadly sea monster Scylla.


Despite being away for twenty years, Odysseus remained determined to return to his home. Upon reaching Ithaca, he disguised himself as a beggar and devised a plan to defeat the suitors who were vying for Penelope's hand in marriage.


With the help of his son, Odysseus revealed his true identity and slaughtered the suitors. He was finally reunited with Penelope, and his kingdom was restored to him.


Odysseus' story is one of resilience, wit, and the longing for home. His journey serves as a metaphor for the trials and tribulations we face in life, and his ultimate triumph represents the rewards of perseverance and determination.



Odysseus: Guided by Athena, he planned the Trojan Horse strategy and led the Greek soldiers to launch a surprise attack on the city of Troy at night, both inside and outside, causing its downfall. After the war ended, he encountered numerous difficulties at sea and eventually returned to his homeland, reunited with his wife, and reclaimed his throne.

22. 特洛伊之战起因后果。

The Trojan War is a legendary conflict in Greek mythology that lasted for ten years. It was triggered by the abduction of Helen, the wife of Menelaus, by Paris, a prince of Troy. The war had far-reaching consequences for both the Greeks and the Trojans.


For the Greeks, the war brought together powerful city-states under the leadership of Agamemnon. It showcased the bravery of legendary warriors like Achilles and Odysseus. However, it also revealed the darker aspects of human nature, such as betrayal and tragedy.


The Trojans suffered greatly during the war. Their city was besieged for a decade, resulting in its eventual downfall. The war had lasting effects on Trojan heroes like Hector and Priam, whose stories were marked by tragedy and loss.


The Trojan War had a profound impact on Greek mythology and literature. It became a central theme in works like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, exploring concepts of honor, heroism, and the consequences of war.


In conclusion, the Trojan War was a significant event in Greek mythology that had profound effects on the Greeks and the Trojans. It shaped the cultural and literary traditions of ancient Greece and continues to be a captivating story in modern times.




The dispute over the golden apple of the three goddesses led Prince Paris of Troy to abduct Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta, triggering a united attack by the Greek city-states against Troy.

This war lasted for ten years and ultimately ended with the fall and plundering of the city of Troy, under the guise of the Trojan Horse.

PS: 前年的大题是奥德修斯得事迹体现了他的什么英雄本色;还有就是潘多拉打开盒子体现出女性什么特点结合希腊神话说一下

23. 人神关系


The theme of the relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is one filled with mystery and imagination. In Greek mythology, the interaction between gods and humans is frequent and often influences the fate of humanity and the development of the world.


Gods are depicted as extraordinary beings in Greek mythology, possessing powers and wisdom beyond that of humans. However, they are also endowed with emotions and desires similar to humans. Gods often play various roles in the mortal realm, encountering, loving, and conflicting with humans.


The worship and awe of gods by humans permeate throughout Greek mythology. People seek blessings from gods, praying for their protection and guidance. Gods, in turn, respond to human actions, sometimes offering help, and at times, delivering punishment. This interaction leads people to believe that there is a connection and communication between gods and humans.


However, the relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is not static. Humans are not mere playthings of the gods; they possess their own will and choices. At times, humans can even challenge the authority of gods and alter their own destinies. This pursuit of autonomy and courage by humans challenges the notion of the divine in Greek mythology, making the relationship between gods and humans more diverse and complex.


In summary, the relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is a theme filled with drama and enlightenment. It reveals humanity's worship and longing for the divine while showcasing their exploration of free will and destiny. The relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is not just an ancient myth; it also reflects humanity's contemplation and pursuit of their own relationship with the divine.

24. 潘多拉盒放出的Hope代表什么


The theme of Pandora's Box and the release of Hope represents the enduring power of optimism and resilience in the face of adversity. In Greek mythology, Pandora was given a box containing all the evils of the world and was warned not to open it. However, her curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the box, releasing all the evils into the world. As the last thing to leave the box, Hope emerged, bringing comfort and solace to humanity.


Hope represents the belief that even in the darkest of times, there is a glimmer of light and the potential for positive change. It symbolizes the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to find strength and courage in the face of challenges. Hope inspires people to persevere, to keep striving for a better future, and to believe in the possibility of redemption and renewal.


Pandora's Box serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the consequences of our actions. It teaches us that curiosity can have both positive and negative outcomes, but it also highlights the transformative power of Hope. Despite the evils that were unleashed, Hope remained, reminding us that even in the most dire circumstances, there is always a chance for a brighter tomorrow.


In summary, the theme of Pandora's Box and the release of Hope symbolizes the indomitable human spirit and the belief in a better future. It teaches us the importance of resilience and optimism in the face of adversity, reminding us that even in the darkest times, Hope can guide us towards a brighter tomorrow.

25. 潘多拉有错吗,会不会责怪她


In the story of Pandora, she was given a box filled with the world's evils. Despite being warned not to open it, her curiosity got the better of her, and she ultimately opened the box, releasing the evils. But should we blame Pandora?


Blaming Pandora may seem like an instinctive response, as her actions led to the disaster. However, we must also recognize that Pandora was human, with her own weaknesses and flaws. Her curiosity and impulsiveness led her to defy the warning, but that doesn't mean she should bear all the responsibility.


The story of Pandora can also be seen as a symbol of human nature. Her actions serve as a reminder that humans are often tempted and led astray by mistakes. We all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we should be forever blamed or condemned. Instead, we should learn from our mistakes, grow, and correct our behavior.


Blaming Pandora doesn't solve the problem because her actions have already occurred, and regret cannot change the past. Instead, we should focus on how to deal with the consequences and the path to recovery. We can learn many important lessons from this, such as controlling our impulses, respecting warnings, and taking responsibility for our actions.


Therefore, while Pandora's actions may have caused a disaster, we should not solely blame her. Instead, we should use this story as a reflection of our own behavior and strive to avoid repeating similar mistakes. We each have a responsibility to be accountable for our actions and learn from them to become better individuals.

26. 慕课大题

Please use at least one example to illustrate how theory explains your chosen myth(s).

There are a lot of brand names from Greek mythology. Some are mentioned in the lecture. Please find more examples in our life and share the stories behind them in this forum.

There are certain modern significances in each of the three main gods. How would you apply these ideas to understand current cultural phenomenon?

Please share your understanding of one of the major goddesses.

What qualities do all heroes in Greek mythology have? In what way do heroes in Chinese mythology differ from heroes in Greek mythology?

What are the similarities and differences between the dragons in Greek mythology and Chinese mythology?

“后羿射日”is another story about fire in Chinese myths. What does this story tell us about human-nature relationship? Does it challenge any of the claims in the lecture? What does the challenge caution us about interpreting a story or a text?

1. What is the image of God as the creator in the Bible? How is it different from the other creation stories, such as the Greek myth and Chinese myth?

2. What is the original sin? If God didn’t want people to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, he might not place it in the Garden of Eden, then nothing would happen. But God did place the tree in Eden. Why did he do so?

Discuss in your own words how flood contributed to the different themes in these two flood stories.


Word List

externalistic / internalistic



adj. 病因;病原学的


n. 仪式;(尤指)宗教仪式;习惯;礼节

adj. 习惯的;仪式上的;庆典的;例行公事的;老套的


n.(说明某部分民众应有权利的)宪章;(表明某一组织之宗旨和原则的)章程;(飞机、船等的)租赁;特权,豁免权 ;契据,证书(尤指财产转让证书) ;(统治者或政府准许成立新的组织、城镇、大学等并授予某种权利的)特许状,许可证,凭照;(法律或政策的)不完善,漏洞,缺陷;(官方的)共同纲领;包租的船、飞机等;

vt. 包租(飞机、船等);给予…特权,准许;特许设立;给予…特权;发给许可证(或凭照);订约租(船);

adj. (飞机或船只)包租的,包用的;根据特许状办理(或设立)的;乘租用车辆(或飞机等)的;


vt. 表明;显示;显现;清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);使人注意到;

adj. 明显的;

n. (船或飞机的)货单;旅客名单;


v. (尤指为对比或表明其关系而)把…并置,把…并列;

omnipotent and omniscient



n. 手工艺品;手工艺


n. 恩人


adj. 仁慈的;慈善的;乐善好施的;用于慈善机构名称;


adj. 坑坑洼洼的;去核的;表面有小点(或小洞)的;

v. 使…表面有斑点;在…上打洞;




n. 盟约 / 协约 / 圣约 / 盖印合同

v. 订立盟约 / <英>通过签订盖印合同定期给


n. 子孙 / 后裔 / 后继型产品


n. 控制 / 抑制 / 包含 / 牵制


n. 过失 / 罪过


n. 无神论者


n. <史>钉死于十字架 / 刑罚 / 苦难


v. 利用(…为自己谋利);剥削;发挥;运用;压榨

n. 功绩,业绩;壮举(exploit 的复数)


n. 狂欢作乐 / 纵酒狂欢


Unit 1

Mythology is a collect of stories. It can also refer to the study of stories.

  • A.True

All theories that study nature fall into externalistic theories.

  • A.True

Etiological theory, ritual theory, charter theory, and nature myth theory are externalistic theories.


  • A.True

Freudian theory offers a valid explanation of the tragedies in Oedipus.


  • A.True

The story of Daedalus and his son Icarus manifests the universal human desires to explore the unknown.


  • A.True

Structuralism juxtaposes opposites side by side but only focuses on one of them.


  • A.True

Archetype is a stereotype after which other similar things of the same character, situations, or events are patterned.


  • B.False


The Trojan Horse

Inspired by Athena, Odysseus contrived (发明) the stratagem (计) of the TrojanHorse.A wooden horse filled with Greeksoldiers was placed at the gate ofTroy.TheGreeks then went around spreading therumor that they would give up and sailhome, and that the horse was intended as agift for the Trojans.The Trojans were takenin, and they brought the horse inside thecity.When night fell, the Greek soldierscame out and sacked Troy. Much crueltyand savagery were committed against theTrojans after the city fell. For the crimesthey committed, the Greeks were punishedseverely by the gods.

16. 潘多拉之盒放了什么

All the plagues and sorrows known to humanity were released once Pandora opened the box. Old Age, Sickness, Insanity, Pestilence, Vice, Passion, Greed, Crime, Death, Theft, Lies, Jealousy, Famine, the list went on and on... every evil, that until then had been trapped inside the gift from the gods, was now loosed upon the earth.

Hope, which was the only thing that had sustained humanity in times of sorrow, pain, and misery.

17. Deucalion and Pyrrha洪水后向谁求助


洪水后:遇到了Hermes,他问两人想要什么,两人说要to see this land full of people once more; for without neighbors and friends, the world is a very lonely place indeed.然后Hermes说把你妈的骨头从你肩膀身后丢了吧他们仔细一想,你妈的骨头是你马的什么东西哦哦,是地球,然后丢石头

18. 各神有什么动物代表

Zeus/Jupiter: Eagle

Hera/Juno: Peacock

Poseidon/Neptune: Horse and Bull

Athena/Minerva: Owl

Hephaestus/Vulcan: Donkey

Aphrodite/Venus: Dove

Ares/Mars: Wild Boar, Dog and Vulture

Aretemis/Diana: Deer and Swan

Apollo/Apollo: Dolphin

Hermes/Mercury: Snake

Dionysus/Bacchus: Goat and Leopard

19. 赫拉如何报复宙斯不忠

She punished Zeus’ lovers blindly in the name of justice.

She punished Zeus’ children and ruthlessly in the name of justice.

She made vengeful yet unstoppable schemes throughout her life.


20. 阿克琉斯主要英雄事迹,结局

Achilles, the Greek hero of legend, was known for his bravery and victories in battle. Born to Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis, he was raised by the centaur Chiron, who honed his combat skills. Achilles played a pivotal role in the Trojan War, fighting alongside the Greeks against the Trojans.


His most notable achievement was slaying Hector, the Trojan prince, in a fit of rage after his friend Patroclus was killed. Achilles challenged Hector to single combat and emerged victorious, dragging his lifeless body around Troy's walls.


However, Achilles' fate was sealed by a tragic prophecy. It predicted his death in battle, forcing him to choose between a long life of obscurity or a short life of glory. Achilles chose the latter, knowing his name would be remembered.


During the Trojan War, Achilles was struck in the heel, his only vulnerable spot, by a fatal arrow. The wound proved lethal, and he met his end. His death was mourned by Greeks and Trojans alike.


Achilles' legacy endures as a symbol of heroism and tragic destiny. His name represents both invincibility and vulnerability. Though his life was cut short, his deeds and courage continue to inspire generations.



Achilles: In the Trojan War, Achilles' dear friend Patroclus couldn't bear to see their own soldiers suffer heavy casualties. He put on Achilles' armor and disguised himself as him to join the battle, and the situation momentarily turned around. However, he was eventually killed by Hector, the Trojan prince. This ignited Achilles' fighting spirit for revenge. He fought bravely in the war and ultimately killed Hector with his spear. In the end, guided by Apollo, Paris, the Trojan prince, shot a poisoned arrow into Achilles' ankle, causing his death.

21. 奥德修斯主要英雄事迹,结局

Odysseus, the legendary hero of ancient Greece, is best known for his cunning and resourcefulness. He played a crucial role in the Trojan War and embarked on a long and treacherous journey back to his homeland, Ithaca.


After the fall of Troy, Odysseus faced numerous challenges on his way home. He encountered the Cyclops, whom he outsmarted by blinding him. He narrowly escaped the enchanting songs of the Sirens by having his crew plug their ears and tie him to the mast. He also navigated past the treacherous whirlpool Charybdis and the deadly sea monster Scylla.


Despite being away for twenty years, Odysseus remained determined to return to his home. Upon reaching Ithaca, he disguised himself as a beggar and devised a plan to defeat the suitors who were vying for Penelope's hand in marriage.


With the help of his son, Odysseus revealed his true identity and slaughtered the suitors. He was finally reunited with Penelope, and his kingdom was restored to him.


Odysseus' story is one of resilience, wit, and the longing for home. His journey serves as a metaphor for the trials and tribulations we face in life, and his ultimate triumph represents the rewards of perseverance and determination.



Odysseus: Guided by Athena, he planned the Trojan Horse strategy and led the Greek soldiers to launch a surprise attack on the city of Troy at night, both inside and outside, causing its downfall. After the war ended, he encountered numerous difficulties at sea and eventually returned to his homeland, reunited with his wife, and reclaimed his throne.

22. 特洛伊之战起因后果。

The Trojan War is a legendary conflict in Greek mythology that lasted for ten years. It was triggered by the abduction of Helen, the wife of Menelaus, by Paris, a prince of Troy. The war had far-reaching consequences for both the Greeks and the Trojans.


For the Greeks, the war brought together powerful city-states under the leadership of Agamemnon. It showcased the bravery of legendary warriors like Achilles and Odysseus. However, it also revealed the darker aspects of human nature, such as betrayal and tragedy.


The Trojans suffered greatly during the war. Their city was besieged for a decade, resulting in its eventual downfall. The war had lasting effects on Trojan heroes like Hector and Priam, whose stories were marked by tragedy and loss.


The Trojan War had a profound impact on Greek mythology and literature. It became a central theme in works like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, exploring concepts of honor, heroism, and the consequences of war.


In conclusion, the Trojan War was a significant event in Greek mythology that had profound effects on the Greeks and the Trojans. It shaped the cultural and literary traditions of ancient Greece and continues to be a captivating story in modern times.




The dispute over the golden apple of the three goddesses led Prince Paris of Troy to abduct Helen, the wife of the King of Sparta, triggering a united attack by the Greek city-states against Troy.

This war lasted for ten years and ultimately ended with the fall and plundering of the city of Troy, under the guise of the Trojan Horse.

PS: 前年的大题是奥德修斯得事迹体现了他的什么英雄本色;还有就是潘多拉打开盒子体现出女性什么特点结合希腊神话说一下

23. 人神关系


The theme of the relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is one filled with mystery and imagination. In Greek mythology, the interaction between gods and humans is frequent and often influences the fate of humanity and the development of the world.


Gods are depicted as extraordinary beings in Greek mythology, possessing powers and wisdom beyond that of humans. However, they are also endowed with emotions and desires similar to humans. Gods often play various roles in the mortal realm, encountering, loving, and conflicting with humans.


The worship and awe of gods by humans permeate throughout Greek mythology. People seek blessings from gods, praying for their protection and guidance. Gods, in turn, respond to human actions, sometimes offering help, and at times, delivering punishment. This interaction leads people to believe that there is a connection and communication between gods and humans.


However, the relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is not static. Humans are not mere playthings of the gods; they possess their own will and choices. At times, humans can even challenge the authority of gods and alter their own destinies. This pursuit of autonomy and courage by humans challenges the notion of the divine in Greek mythology, making the relationship between gods and humans more diverse and complex.


In summary, the relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is a theme filled with drama and enlightenment. It reveals humanity's worship and longing for the divine while showcasing their exploration of free will and destiny. The relationship between gods and humans in Greek mythology is not just an ancient myth; it also reflects humanity's contemplation and pursuit of their own relationship with the divine.

24. 潘多拉盒放出的Hope代表什么


The theme of Pandora's Box and the release of Hope represents the enduring power of optimism and resilience in the face of adversity. In Greek mythology, Pandora was given a box containing all the evils of the world and was warned not to open it. However, her curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the box, releasing all the evils into the world. As the last thing to leave the box, Hope emerged, bringing comfort and solace to humanity.


Hope represents the belief that even in the darkest of times, there is a glimmer of light and the potential for positive change. It symbolizes the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to find strength and courage in the face of challenges. Hope inspires people to persevere, to keep striving for a better future, and to believe in the possibility of redemption and renewal.


Pandora's Box serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the consequences of our actions. It teaches us that curiosity can have both positive and negative outcomes, but it also highlights the transformative power of Hope. Despite the evils that were unleashed, Hope remained, reminding us that even in the most dire circumstances, there is always a chance for a brighter tomorrow.


In summary, the theme of Pandora's Box and the release of Hope symbolizes the indomitable human spirit and the belief in a better future. It teaches us the importance of resilience and optimism in the face of adversity, reminding us that even in the darkest times, Hope can guide us towards a brighter tomorrow.

25. 潘多拉有错吗,会不会责怪她


In the story of Pandora, she was given a box filled with the world's evils. Despite being warned not to open it, her curiosity got the better of her, and she ultimately opened the box, releasing the evils. But should we blame Pandora?


Blaming Pandora may seem like an instinctive response, as her actions led to the disaster. However, we must also recognize that Pandora was human, with her own weaknesses and flaws. Her curiosity and impulsiveness led her to defy the warning, but that doesn't mean she should bear all the responsibility.


The story of Pandora can also be seen as a symbol of human nature. Her actions serve as a reminder that humans are often tempted and led astray by mistakes. We all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean we should be forever blamed or condemned. Instead, we should learn from our mistakes, grow, and correct our behavior.


Blaming Pandora doesn't solve the problem because her actions have already occurred, and regret cannot change the past. Instead, we should focus on how to deal with the consequences and the path to recovery. We can learn many important lessons from this, such as controlling our impulses, respecting warnings, and taking responsibility for our actions.


Therefore, while Pandora's actions may have caused a disaster, we should not solely blame her. Instead, we should use this story as a reflection of our own behavior and strive to avoid repeating similar mistakes. We each have a responsibility to be accountable for our actions and learn from them to become better individuals.

26. 慕课大题

Please use at least one example to illustrate how theory explains your chosen myth(s).

There are a lot of brand names from Greek mythology. Some are mentioned in the lecture. Please find more examples in our life and share the stories behind them in this forum.

There are certain modern significances in each of the three main gods. How would you apply these ideas to understand current cultural phenomenon?

Please share your understanding of one of the major goddesses.

What qualities do all heroes in Greek mythology have? In what way do heroes in Chinese mythology differ from heroes in Greek mythology?

What are the similarities and differences between the dragons in Greek mythology and Chinese mythology?

“后羿射日”is another story about fire in Chinese myths. What does this story tell us about human-nature relationship? Does it challenge any of the claims in the lecture? What does the challenge caution us about interpreting a story or a text?

1. What is the image of God as the creator in the Bible? How is it different from the other creation stories, such as the Greek myth and Chinese myth?

2. What is the original sin? If God didn’t want people to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, he might not place it in the Garden of Eden, then nothing would happen. But God did place the tree in Eden. Why did he do so?

Discuss in your own words how flood contributed to the different themes in these two flood stories.


Unit 1

Mythology is a collect of stories. It can also refer to the study of stories.

  • A.True

All theories that study nature fall into externalistic theories.

  • A.True

Etiological theory, ritual theory, charter theory, and nature myth theory are externalistic theories.


  • A.True

Freudian theory offers a valid explanation of the tragedies in Oedipus.


  • A.True

The story of Daedalus and his son Icarus manifests the universal human desires to explore the unknown.


  • A.True

Structuralism juxtaposes opposites side by side but only focuses on one of them.


  • A.True

Archetype is a stereotype after which other similar things of the same character, situations, or events are patterned.


  • B.False

应该是 from -- "Archetype"是一个模式,其他相似的事物会按照它的模式来塑造。"

Unit 2

Which of the following is/are regarded as the major resources of Greek mythology?

  • A.Illiad
  • B.Theogony
  • C.Odyssey
  • D.All of them


● A. 《伊利亚特》

● B. 《神谱》

● C. 《奥德赛》

● D. 全部

Who are NOT the children of Gaea and Uranus?

  • A.Titans(泰坦巨人)
  • B.Olympians(奥林匹斯神)
  • C.Cyclopes(独眼巨人)
  • D.Hecatonchiree(一百手五十头巨人)

Where are Cyclopes and Hecatonchires imprisoned?

  • A.Mount Olympus
  • B.River Styx
  • C.Tartarus
  • D.Heaven


● A.奥林匹斯山

● B.冥河斯堤克斯河

● C.塔耳塔洛斯

● D.天堂

Who is the father of Zeus?

  • A.Uranus
  • B.Hades
  • C.Poseidon
  • D.Cronus

Unit 3

Who is the Supreme god of the heaven and earth in Greek myths?

  • A.Zeus
  • B.Prometheus
  • C.Apollo
  • D.Hades

Unit 4

Which is NOT true about Trojan War?

  • A.It all started with the golden apple thrown at a wedding banquet table, which was said to belong to “the fairest one”.
  • B.Paris, the prince of Troy, was the judge to decide to which goddess the golden apple belonged.
  • C.Aphrodite gave Helen, the fairest woman on the earth, as Paris’ wife and helped Helen travel to Troy with Paris and become Helen of Troy.
  • D.The war lasted for 20 years and consumed thousands of lives.

The war lasted for 10 years and consumed thousands of lives.

Unit 5

Which of the following is Not True about heroes in Greek mythology?

  • A.Both of their parental lineage has divine blood.
  • 他们双方的父系血统都有神圣的血脉。
  • B.They are capable of great exploits.
  • C.They all come home changed or transformed.
  • D.They all have been assisted by some mentors in one way or another.

According to Joseph Campbell, all heroes have to undergo ( ) stages to be upgraded.

  • A.5
  • B.8
  • C.12
  • D.19

For how many years was Odysseus away from home?

  • A.5
  • B.8
  • C.10
  • D.20


Automatons are Creatures made out of metal for re-animating specific tasks by Hephaestus.


  • B.False

Zeus sent his messenger Hermes to slay a hundred-eyed giant Argos.

  • A.True

The Nemean lion was killed by Heracles.

  • A.True

Unit 7



Unit 8*

Testament means “book”. Therefore, the Old Testament means the old book.

  • B.False

尽管"testament"在某些语境下可以表示"书",但在这里,"Testament"是指《圣经》中的两部分:旧约和新约。"Old Testament"指的是《圣经》中的旧约部分,而不是指"old book"(旧书)

It can be almost generalized to say that the Old Testament focuses on one nation, and the New Testament is mainly about one person, Jesus.

  • A.True

Christianity has three major denominations. They are Protestantism, Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodoxy.


  • A.True

Pentateuch includes Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


  • A.True

Unit 9*


Unit 10*

Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  • A.God decided to give a lesson to Noah's descendants.
  • 上帝决定给挪亚的后代上一课。
  • B.God commanded Noah to build an ark.
  • C.Seven pairs of every kind of animal and birds boarded the ark.
  • D.All human beings who repopulated the earth were believed to have descended from Noah.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Noah?

  • A.Noah was a descendant of Abraham.
  • B.Noah was chosen to survive the Great Flood.
  • C.Noah and his family boarded the ark.
  • D.Noah dedicated the ark to God, therefore, got saved from the flood.

Unit 11*

The Tower of Babel is a story from ( )?

  • A.Greek mythology
  • B.Old Testament
  • C.New Testament
  • D.Aesop Fables

Which of the following events did happen last?

  • A.God’s creation
  • B.Great flood
  • C.The Tower of Babel
  • D.The Birth of Jesus

Unit 12*

The Exodus is the founding myth of the Israelites.


  • A.True
  • B.False

God revealed himself to Abraham and made the only covenant in the Bible with him, in which God announced to Abraham that his descendants would eventually inherit the Land of Israel.


  • A.True
  • B.False


The desperate Pharaoh then commanded that all Hebrew infant daughters be drowned in the Nile.


  • A.True
  • B.False


Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites leave to worship their God, so God sent an angel of death over the land of Egypt with other nine plagues.


  • A.True
  • B.False

God used Moses to part the Red Sea so that the Israelites and Egyptian soldiers could pass through.


  • A.True
  • B.False


Unit 13*

According to the Hebrew Bible, God asked his servant ( ) to deliver to people of Israel the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai in the third month after their Exodus from Egypt.

根据希伯来圣经记载,上帝要求他的仆人( )在以色列人从埃及出埃及后的第三个月,在西奈山上将十诫传达给以色列人。

  • A.Jesus
  • B.Joshua
  • C.Moses
  • D.Jehovah

Which of the following statements are not included in the Ten Commandments?

  • A.Honor your father and your mother.
  • B.Do not lie.
  • C.Do not commit adultery.
  • D.Do not steal.

How many commandments moral prescriptions and dictate human behavior are there in the Ten Commandments?


  • A.4
  • B.8
  • C.6
  • D.2

The Ten Commandments, as found in the Bible (Exodus 20:1-17), include the following statements:


  1. You shall have no other gods before me.不可有别的神
  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol or worship any other gods.不可为自己雕刻偶像,也不可崇拜任何别的神
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.不可妄称耶和华的名
  4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.要守安息日,使其成为圣日


  1. Honor your father and mother.要孝敬父母
  2. You shall not murder.不可杀人
  3. You shall not commit adultery.不可奸淫
  4. You shall not steal.不可偷窃
  5. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.不可作假见证陷害人
  6. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.不可贪恋别人的财物

Which of the following commandments sets into motion the most revolutionary idea in human history – monotheism?

  • A.I am the LORD your God.
  • B.You shall not have any other Gods before me.
  • C.You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.
  • D.Remember the Sabbath.


A. 我是你们的上帝。

B. 在我之前,你们不可有别的神。

C. 不可妄用你们上帝的名字。

D. 记住安息日。

Which of the following commandments summarizes the other nine?

  • A.Honor your father and your mother.
  • B.Do not murder.
  • C.Do not commit adultery.
  • D.Do not steal.

Unit 14*

Where can we find Jesus parables?

  • A.In most Gospels
  • B.In Bible
  • C.In New Testament
  • D.All of the above

Parables represent a main part of ( )?

  • A.God’s words
  • B.Jesus’ teachings
  • C.Ten Commandments
  • D.Abraham’s Covenant

Who think highly of parables?

  • A.Christians
  • B.Jews
  • C.Moslems
  • D.Atheists

Which of the following stories is not a parable?

  • A.The Lost Son
  • B.The Lost Sheep
  • C.The Discord of an Apple
  • D.The Good Samaritan
  • E.The Last Supper.
  • F.Noah’s Ark.
  • G.The Story of Job.

What is NOT the theme of parables?

  • A.Revenge
  • B.Lost
  • C.Searching

Unit 15*

What’s the meaning of the name “Jesus”?

  • A.salvation
  • B.anointed
  • C.faith
  • D.blessing


A. 救赎

B. 受膏者

C. 信仰

D. 祝福

What are the three gifts presented by the Magi?

  • A.gold, frankincense, and tea
  • B.diamond, frankincense, and myrrh
  • C.diamond, tea, and myrrh
  • D.gold, frankincense, and myrrh


● A.黄金、乳香和茶

● B.钻石、乳香和没药

● C.钻石、茶和没药


When is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

n. <史>钉死于十字架 / 刑罚 / 苦难

  • A.On Thursday
  • B.On Friday
  • C.On Saturday
  • D.On Sunday

Final Test

Which of the following is NOT the source of Greek mythology?

  • A.The works of Homer.
  • B.The plays of Aeschylus.
  • C.The works of Hesiod.
  • D.The plays of Shakespeare.



The three major tragic playwrights of ancient Greece were Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Aeschylus' "Prometheus Bound," Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex," and Euripides' "Medea" are known as the "three great tragedies."

The first five books in the Bible are also known as( ).

  • A.Genesis 创世记
  • B.Exodus 出埃及记
  • C.Quran 古兰经
  • D.Pentateuch 摩西五经

Who was appointed by God to deliver Israelites from their slavery life in Egypt?

  • A.Abraham.
  • B.Jacob.
  • C.Moses.
  • D.Jesus.

Who came up with the famous idea of the Trojan Horse?

  • A.Achilles.
  • B.Paris.
  • C.Agamemnon.
  • D.Odysseus.

All of the following statements about Apollo and Dionysus are true EXCEPT( ).

  • A.They were both fathered by Zeus.
  • B.They both had their ruthless side.
  • C.They were both known for their unfulfilled love.
  • D.Prophecy was Apollo’s domain while wine was what Dionysus was in charge of.

On which festival did Jesus and his disciples have the last supper?

  • A.Christmas.
  • B.Sabbath.
  • C.Passover.
  • D.Easter.

Adam and Eve, the great flood, Tower of Babel, Abraham, Jacob and his brothers, and Moses all come from the Old Testament.

正确答案是 正确 , 你答对了








Ares古希腊神话中的战神,是战争和冲突的象征。在神话中扮演重要角色。是 Aphrodite 的情人

Apollo 是古希腊神话中的一位神祇,他是太阳神,也是音乐、诗歌和医药的守护神。他在神话中具有重要地位。













作者:Zhang, Hongxing

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